NJ Detective Walker found NOT guilty of all charges!




On July 30, 2014, a jury at the Anne Arundel District Court returned a “not guilty” verdict against Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Detective Joseph Walker on First Degree Murder charges.

A NPDF investigation disclosed that on June 8th, 2013, Det. Walker took appropriate police action in order to protect his family and himself from a physical attack, resulting in the shooting death of one of the suspects. According to trial testimony, the two suspects were engaged in a road rage incident that succeeded in running Det. Walker’s family van that contained his wife and three children, off the road. During this ordeal the suspects made racial slurs against the Walker family, who are African American, including the “N” word. A solid object was also thrown at the vehicle near the seated position of the Walkers’ youngest daughter.

The NPDF applauds the decision of the jurors that the detective acted in self-defense of his family and himself. The Walker prosecution had sent a chilling effect within the national law enforcement community that off duty officers who take appropriate police action can be criminally prosecuted for murder. This land mark case, confirms the legality of Det. Walker’s actions, and his ability to carry a firearm pursuant to HR 218.

The NPDF will be requesting the United States Department of Justice to conduct a civil rights investigation alleging prosecutorial misconduct by the Assistant State’s Attorney Mr. Michael Dunty. During the trial, the prosecutor was cited and admonished by the court for allegedly providing to the grand jury misleading information that led to Det. Walker’s indictment. What was more disturbing were the allegations that Mr. Dunty may have engaged in jury discrimination by intentionally dismissing African American jurors.

The NPDF and Hudson County PBA #232 were instrumental in supporting Det. Walker through the establishment of the Det. Walker Legal Defense Fund. For further information please contact the MPDF at 732-616-9600 or PBA Local #232 President William Caicedo at 201-424-8453. Special thanks to the defense attorneys. Michael T. Cornacchia, Steven Levin and Charles Curlett for their outstanding performance.

Read the Press Release from the attorney’s office here

News & Updates

 National Police Defense Foundation establishes legal defense fund for (NJ) Detective Joseph Walker.

Judge denies Detective Walker’s motion



State President Anthony F. Weiners of the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) announced that it has approved up to $40,000 in legal defense assistance to Det. Joseph Walker.
On October 11, 2013 the Hudson County Detectives PBA Local # 232 is having a Golf Outing to benefit the NPDF Member Detective Joseph Walker Legal Defense Fund. Detective Joseph Walker (Hudson County Prosecutors Office) is charged with 1st degree murder in Maryland for taking appropriate police action to protect his family and needs your financial help!