FLEOA Applauds Overdue Presidential Pardon of Former Special Agent Joseph Occhipinti

December 24, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Larry Cosme, National President of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) issued a statement on the pardon of former Special Agent Joseph Occhipinti.

“We are very happy and thankful that President Trump corrected a long overdue injustice by pardoning former Special Agent Joseph Occhipinti.

“Many decades ago, Joe was politically targeted and prosecuted for just doing his job. As he worked to keep the streets of New York City safe from drugs and gangs, a corrupt alliance between gangs, money and politics interceded and used political pressure to force a criminal prosecution of Joe based upon false statements and false facts. From the beginning, Joe maintained his innocence and FLEOA supported him as we worked to clear his name.

“We are thankful that President Tump, who himself has also maintained that he has been victimized by political persecution and saw Joe’s prosecution in the same light and pardoned him. FLEOA also appreciates Rep. Chris Smith who had become a strong advocate for Joe’s case.

“FLEOA is the advocate for federal law enforcement. Joe’s case was egregious from the start, which is why we maintained steady pressure in this and prior administrations for his pardon. We are thankful that President Trump agreed, and want to attest that over the last four years we have found a strong supporter of the law enforcement community in President Trump.

“We congratulate Joe on his stalwart advocacy, determination and integrity and hope he can now move forward in his life with the vindication and knowledge that he had served the American people well.”

On the pardon, Joe Occhipinti said, “President Trump has taken an enormous burden off me and my family. As I’ve professed for decades, I was as innocent then as I am now. I have worked steady to support other law enforcement officers that have found themselves in the same unjust situations. Thanks to the support of FLEOA and other elected and political leaders that attested to my character and innocence, I am grateful for President Trump and his willingness to see my case in the right light.”

White House statement: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-regarding-executive-grants-clemency-122320/


FLEOA is the nation’s largest non-partisan, not-for-profit professional association representing more than 29,000 federal law enforcement officers and agents across 65 federal agencies.