FBI statistics show a serious increase of financial crimes that includes credit card fraud. It is critical for consumers to promptly report these alleged crimes to the appropriate financial institution and police department.

As part of the police investigation, it is critical for the consumer to provide the complete name of the banking official you reported the alleged crime to, or at the least, the employee’s ID, office location/department and assigned reference number.

Recently, the NPDF was a victim of a fraudulent credit card charge which was reported to Chase Credit Card services, as well as police authorities. However, it was determined that certain Chase’s employees, both domestic and foreign, refused to provide any of the above identifying information for the exception of their first name. The Chase Executive Offices declined to publicly provide their policy in this matter.

On November 7, 2022, the NPDF made an official consumer complaint to the “Office of Comptroller of the Currency” (OCC) requesting their appropriate review and investigation of this policy which may violate federal and state banking and consumer laws.