The National Police Defense Foundation (NPDF) held its prestigious 2012 Annual Awards Dinner on April 25, 2012 at 6 PM at Russo’s on the Bay, 162-45 Cross Bay Boulevard, Howard Beach, N.Y. 11414.
The proceeds benefited Operation Kids, a multi faceted child safety program, that also provides life saving medical treatment for critically ill children. The ticket cost for this charity event was $100, which included an “enhanced cocktail hour”, open bar, full course dinner and live entertainment. ($25 per ticket sold was donated to the “Operation Kids” Program.
2012 Annual Awards Distinguished Honorees
Person of the Year ASAC David C. Shafer
Federal Bureau of Investigation, NYC
Lifetime Achievement Award Det. John Hickey (Ret)
New York City Police Department
Vice President Emeritus, NPDF
President’s Award S/A Jon Adler, National President
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
Excellence In Media Award Brian G. Thompson, Correspondent
NBC Channel 4 News
Distinguished Member Award Chief John De Prima (Ret)
Operations Kids Administrator