New Jersey License Plate Facebook Program


The federally trademarked “Safe Cop” organizational license plate program is available to current NPDF Law Enforcement and Associate Members. There is a onetime DMV fee required to apply and you must maintain your membership every year to retain the plates. Safe Cop license plates are not sold to the general public and are not available at the DMV.

You must submit the required DMV application to the NPDF at the address noted below where your membership will be verified. Please attach a copy of your driver’s license and current vehicle registration to confirm the registrant is a NPDF Member. Once the NPDF approves the application, it’s forwarded to the DMV. You will receive the new registration and “Safe Cop” plates in the mail. The process can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks.


National Police Defense Foundation
Membership Processing Center
PO Box 318
Englishtown, NJ 07726

The DMV fee is $50 for regular plates and $100 for personalized. DMV requires that you first receive the regular plates and then for an additional $50 you can request personalized plates. NJ DMV forms CANNOT be downloaded from the website and must be ordered by calling the National Police Defense Foundation at 732-617-2330 or via email at

Once you receive it, legibly complete the form and include a copy of your current registration with at least 3 months left before expiration.