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Learn About Safe Cop Program

The Safe Cop program is a congressionally recognized law enforcement initiative of the National Police Defense Foundation that posts up to a $10,000 reward for public information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person who shoots at a law enforcement officer, anywhere in the United States. The “Safe Cop” criteria for reward payment mandates a conviction for the armed assault of a law enforcement officer and a prosecutor's certification that the public information was instrumental in the arrest and conviction of the defendant. The Safe Cop program was established in 1995 and has been instrumental in the arrest of several suspects involved in police related shootings.

The NPDF has seen a serious increase of armed assaults nationwide on police that have resulted in the unfortunate deaths of many dedicated law enforcement officials.

The “Safe Cop” program was also expanded to provide critical medical care and counseling to disabled law enforcement personnel worldwide. The NPDF will periodically establish a medical fund for the disabled officer or an immediate family member when they are financially unable to pay for medical treatment or have outstanding medical debt.

We hope after learning more about our Safe Cop program you will see the value provided to Law Enforcement and help us fund our successful program. You can make a secure online donation using PayPal. We believe All Lives Matter, but our focus is for "Blue Lives Matter" and "Police Lives Matter." Thank you for your support