Press Release
Contact: Joseph Occhipinti Executive Director 1-888-SAFE COP |
Executive Director Joseph Occhipinti announced that the National Police Defense Foundation has collaborated with inspirational film director Terence Gordon of TnG Films LLC., to produce “In an Instant.” This PSA video vividly demonstrates how quickly police officers can be confronted with life and death situations where their very survival depend on the decisions they make “in an instant.” The worst nightmare for any member of law enforcement is to be compelled to take human life in defense of ones’ own. This video demonstrates what happens when the shooting stops and how the officer’s life, and that of his family, is forever altered. NPDF Executive Director Joe Occhipinti believes that the current anti-police atmosphere must be countered with the reality of the good that the average police officer does each and every day and how he or she put their lives on the line for all of us without hesitation. “It is critical that we support our men and women in blue who do a thankless job every day. This PSA seeks to show the public the side of the officer’s lives that they don’t normally see in an effort to foster understanding and to demonstrate that our law enforcement officers have a very difficult job that can only be done effectively with our support,” said Director Occhipinti who added, “We encourage everyone to watch this video and to support law enforcement,”
Comments are welcome at the National Police Defense Foundation, 888-SAFE COP. The Safe Cop program was established in 1995 and has been instrumental in the arrest and conviction of several cop killers nationwide.
Sergeant Michael P. Barry
NPDF Delegate