NPDF ASSISTS MEMBER IN TIME OF CRISISOn Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 Puerto Rico was hit by a devastating Category 4 hurricane. Hurricane Maria pummeled Puerto Rico...
Hertz Association Membership Program Save up to 10% off a rental’s base rate* all year using the National Police...
NPDF OFFICIALS ATTEND NYPD DEA 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION On October 6, 2017, NPDF officials attended the NYPD Detectives’ Endowment Association (DEA) Gala at the Sheraton New York...
Care2Share Affinity ProgramPut your passion to work for your favorite not-for-profit Enroll your eligible Investors accounts with a participating not-for-profit That organization...
HOUSTON POLICE ASSOCIATION ESTABLISHES FUND FOR VICTIMIZED OFFICERS OF HURRICANE HARVEYTo Our Brother & Sister Officers: As you know the City of Houston is in the midst of a catastrophe...