FBI AGENTS ASSOCIATION CALLS FOR RELEASE OF ROBERT LEVINSON ON THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS KIDNAPPINGThe National Police Defense Foundation supports the efforts of the “FBI Agents Association” in asking the Trump Administration to help...
Chinese Auction SupportersTHANK YOU A special thank you to the companies who have already made a generous donation to the tricky tray...
OPERATION KIDS LIFE SAVING OPERATIONS: JOSEPH HOPKINS MEDICAL FUND In 2006, the NPDF established a medical fund for two-year old...
OPERATION KIDS LIFE SAVING OPERATIONS: EMMA ROBERTSON MEDICAL FUND In 2005, the NPDF established a medical fund for the two-year old daughter of a New Jersey State Trooper...
OPERATION KIDS LIFE SAVING OPERATIONS: LEANDRO TAVERAS MEDICAL FUND In 2004, the NPDF established a medical fund for a seven-year old Dominican boy who was battling leukemia. This...