LAW ENFORCEMENT SAFETY ALERT12/24/2014 NPDF members in possession of NPDF Safe Cop organizational plates should be extra vigilant when driving or parking their...
NPDF RESPONDS TO ASSASSINATION OF NYPD OFFICERSLet’s have a moment of silence for slain NYPD Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjin Liu who were assassinated in...
Det. Walker HonoredDet. Walker was honored on November 23, 2014 by the New Jersey State P.B.A with a valor award in recognition...
Consumers Beware Sirius XM Radio Credit Card TransactionsOn November 17, 2014, the NPDF formally requested an internal investigation be conducted by Sirius XM Radio executives involving certain...
PROJECT SAFENETThe National Police Defense Foundation recently initiated “Project SafeNet” in order to address the serious increase of pedophile activity on...
OPPOSE PAROLE FOR COP KILLERSKEEP COP-KILLERS IN JAIL A Message from Patrick J. Lynch, PBA President Thanks to a great deal of hard...