POLICE IMPOSTER NPDF SOLICITATION SCAMThe Marlboro Township Police (NJ) is investigating a spoof telemarketing scam wherein the caller identifies himself as “Officer John” with...
NPDF POSTS SAFE COP REWARD IN AMBUSH ATTACK OF PA STATE TROOPERSThe NPDF mourns the tragic loss of Pennsylvania State Police Cpl. Bryron Dickson and serious injuries sustained by his partner in...
Det. Joseph Walker acquittedProsecutorial indiscretion [Commentary] An Anne Arundel County assistant state’s attorney misled a grand jury Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-walker-case-20140810,0,876117.story NJ Detective Says He Had...
National Police Defense Foundation establishes legal defense fund for (NJ) Detective Joseph Walker.On June 12, 2013, the National Police Defense Foundation established a legal defense fund for Hudson County Prosecutors Office (NJ)...
N.J. Detective Acquitted In Maryland Road Rage Fatal ShootingANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — A jury decides a New Jersey police detective did nothing wrong and acted in self-defense when...
Federal Air Marshals Need Your Help Our brothers and sisters from the Federal Air Marshal Service are under attack from Congress and...