Denny Benavides Update admin 2006 January 23, 2014Dear Operation Kids Supporter: I want to take this opportunity to personally “thank you” for your recent tax-deductible donation and...
NPDF Delivers “Blessed Motorized Wheel Chair admin Operation Kids January 23, 2014Morganville, NJ, September 5, 2007: Executive Director Joseph Occhipinti is happy to announce the completion of a successful mission to...
Emma Robertson Medical Fund admin 2006 January 23, 2014Operation Kids will fund a $75,000 home renovation project for 2 year old Emma Robertson, the daughter of a NJSP...
ABOUT OPERATION KIDS admin Featured Programs January 21, 2014The Operation Kids program is a child safety function of the National Police Defense Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to...
NPDF participates in program to provide eye surgeries to children in Ecuador admin 2012 January 10, 2014NPDF Executive Director & NPDF Representative Lisa Malecki participated in a program to provide eye surgeries to severely handicapped children...
In Loving Memory Baby Melanie Macias June 7, 2008 – October 1, 2009 admin 2009 January 10, 2014It all started in December 2008 with an email to the National Police Defense Foundation from a distraught 25 year...