On April 1, 2018, NPDF Delegate to the Dominican Republic Colonel Bienvendo Perez-Perdomo (Ret) was hospitalized at a New Jersey hospital due to a 99% blockage to the ceratoid artery. Bienvenido who is 77 years old proudly served the NPDF for the past two decades now needs your financial assistance!
Since, he is not a US citizen or resident alien, Bienvenido has no U.S. medical insurance, nor is he eligible for any federal or state entitlement program. Moreover, our delegate receives a minimal police pension of $400 monthly that will not cover his expected medical expenses in the United States.
The NPDF has established the “Col. Bienvenido Perez-Perdomo Medical Fund” and tax-deductible donations are needed to help pay his outstanding medical bills. The NPDF has donated $5,000 towards this medical fund. Please make your tax-deductible donation by clicking the DONATE button below or call 732-617-2330 to make your tax-deductible donation.