Donald Trump Signs Bills Assisting Law Enforcement: ‘We Are Behind You 100 Percent’

President Donald Trump signed two bills on Friday assisting law enforcement officers, vowing to back the community “100 percent.”

“We are here today to reaffirm our unbreakable support for the American heroes who keep our streets, our homes, and our citizens safe, and they’ve been doing an amazing job under very adverse conditions,” Trump said during a signing ceremony at the White House.

 Trump signed the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act, a bill to help streamline benefits for disabled officers and the families of fallen officers.

“For too long, injured officers have suffered, and the children of fallen officers have put their dreams of college on hold while bureaucracy delayed crucial benefits, made it impossible for their families,” Trump said. “No longer. It’s unacceptable, and it’s going to end today.” — Read More —