Endorsement of Intelligence Services Group, LLC

DATE:    March 8, 2019
TO: NPDF Members& Supporters
Police Association Presidents
FROM: Joseph Occhipinti, Executive Director
National Police Defense Foundation   
SUBJECT: Endorsement of Intelligence Services Group, LLC 

The National Police Defense Foundation (NPDF) has been working with Intelligence Services Group, LLC (ISG) for the past number of years to assist us in our mission of providing legal/financial support for those law enforcement/first responders who are targets of abuse.

ISG’s ability to provide actionable intelligence through its digital forensics/investigative services has proven to be the difference in each case. One example is the complete exoneration of a sitting Police Chief and all false charges dismissed based on the intelligence gathered by ISG.

The NPDF brand must be beyond reproach. As part of our standard practice we engage ISG to provide a comprehensive intelligence report of those firms looking for a partnership and or endorsement of NPDF. Each time ISG has delivered beyond expectations in support of our brand.

The professionalism, dedication to their cause and ability to uncover actionable intelligence is unmatched. Knowing NPDF has at its’ disposable ISG’s unique capabilities has proven to be a game changer.

Joseph Occhipinti
Founder & Executive Director