FLEOA Member, ATF Agent Mark Stites, is in Need of a Liver Transplant
To the FLEOA Family,
Special Agent Mark Stites from the ATF Houston Field Division, recently underwent liver transplant surgery. The surgery has not been progressing as well as the doctors’ hoped. Mark’s family has informed us that Mark urgently needs a new liver. Mark’s family has set up a CaringBridge site. It can be found at the link below. Please keep Mark and his family in your thoughts during this incredibly difficult time. Mark’s page on the CaringBridge website provides further details about Mark’s needs if you, or someone you know, are interested in assisting. Any assistance is purely voluntary. CaringBridge is a social network to help people stay connected with family and friends during a health event.
Federal employees are entitled up to 30 days of paid leave each calendar year to serve as an organ donor. Leave for organ donation is a separate category of leave that is in addition to annual and sick leave.
More information about the living liver donation program,visit the living liver done page at the University Hospital Transplant Institute (San Antonio, TX). Potential donors must be between 21 and 55 years old, have O+ or O- blood type, be in excellent health, and be a healthy weight. If you are interested in potentially donating a liver to Mark, please fill out the donor health history questionnaireand someone will respond to you quickly.