NPDF encourages supporters to sign petition to keep cop killer in prison

National Police Defense Foundation Executive Director, Joseph Occhipinti requests that NPDF supporters read the story about cop killer, Mitchell Martin, and sign the online petition  to oppose Mitchell Martin’s Parole.

On October 30, 1982, New York City Police Officer, James N. Whittington, Jr., left his home never to return when his life was suddenly and brutally taken by cold-blooded murder, Mitchell Martin (DIN# 83A5551), when Officer Whittington fulfilled his duty to “Protect and Serve.”

While in a Brooklyn barbershop, Officer Whittington was notified that Martin had a gun and was outside arguing with a woman. Officer Whittington immediately responded and attempted to apprehend Martin when Martin shot him to death multiple times in an attempt to escape capture.  His wife was rushed to the hospital, but did not have the chance to say her final goodbye.

Martin was eventually apprehended and a jury of his peers convicted him and sentenced him 25 years for the murder of the 42 year-old husband and father of young daughters. In addition, Martin was separately convicted and sentenced for 71/2 years to life for the attempted murder of another police officer just two months before he ended Officer Whittington’s “final watch.”